Reading Comprehension - An Inroduction

2. What is reading comprehension?

We have mentioned earlier that all of us are constantly engaged in the process of reading information from our surroundings, but we do not do it skillfully and in the right direction. This is what a student has to practice - to read everything rightly. HOW? Even an apparently simple process of reading involves many factors that affect the output of reading. How intelligently can you mould these factors will, in turn, improve the quality of reading. These factors are:

  • Subject of data:
    It has been proved by research that our brains do not respond to different kinds of data in a similar manner. We all have our area of expertise, I might know a lot about space science while your knowledge of automobiles may be quite vast. On the other hand, my idea of latest cars, engines and their power may be limited and you may find yourself fumbling if questioned about planetary movements, composition of stars etc. This is a reflection of reading habits. Ordinarily, we do selective reading, e.g. while reading a newspaper many students skip the business news and jump straight to sports page while many others simply refuse to look at the editorial page and drool all over the page 3 or the entertainment section. It is neither feasible nor advisable for a student to read everything available on all topics under the sun. But it is important, nevertheless, for you to have some basic knowledge about most subjects. This will (1) Improve your general awareness, (2) Boost your confidence, (3) Sharpen your analytical skills

  • Interest areas of the reader: 
    This factor is closely connected to the first factor. In fact, it is this factor that chiefly decides the subjects we choose to read about. Just like all fingers in a hand are not of the same size, our interest in every field cannot be of the same level. This is why we choose certain fields and eliminate others, e.g.; while walking on the road, if there is a large poster of a bike newly launched in market, it is more likely that a teenage or a young boy would stop by to read the details about the bike rather than a girl who would probably stop by to read information on jewellery or garments ranges. This is just difference of interests. This is the difference that decides the store of one's knowledge. Ordinarily, it is alright for a person to seek information about one feels drawn to the area of his/her interest. But a student should develop a habit of arousing an interest in different kind of fields equally.
  • Concentration span of the reader:
    Not only in reading but any task to be executed requires concentration. But reading requires it more. So, most students from primary to senior level are heard complaining about lack of concentration as the reason for their poor performance. It has become a popular belief that concentration is naturally endowed on people and so some students have great concentration while others remain restless and cannot concentrate properly. Contrary to the popular belief, the truth is that even concentration can be achieved through effort. Let us understand it further. Scientifically a human brain is not tuned to keep itself associated with a particular object for long time and that is why many of us face concentration problems. But these problems are easy to handle also. From usual experience you would know that while reading data of your interest, your mind exhibits more concentration. Why can you sit through a movie with complete concentration but not your math book or even a newspaper for that matter? Because things that you find entertaining, stimulate your brain in a manner, which is positive and, hence, you achieve higher level of concentration. Here again we see the first two factors affecting the third: If you develop interest in many subjects, your concentration will automatically increase. But there is a hitch, you can improve concentration by increasing interest and you can increase interest by reading more. But if you have poor concentration then you cannot read more. It is, therefore, a vicious circle.
  • Reading speed: 
    From a competitive point of view, 'Time is money' The faster you read, the more time you will have for comprehension and analysis. If you have followed the first three factors carefully then you will realize that your reading speed will improve greatly itself. But you must keep in mind certain points while trying to read fast. Often what students do is, in their attempt to read fast, they increase the speed of reading words without trying to either understand or retain the information. Remember Reading Comprehension = Reading + Comprehension. You must read at a fast speed but not at the cost of comprehension because in that case you'll have to read the passage again and, therefore, the time you saved by reading fast will be consumed in re-reading.
  • Retaining capacity:

    This is the most important part of Reading. If a student is able to read well, read with concentration, read fast but is not able to retain useful information of the data - then all is lost. A good reader need not come back to the passage again and again to look for answers. The first reading of this passage should, therefore, be done with much care and attention so that the reader retains most of the matter. You can follow some simple steps to improve your retaining capability. Every time you read a passage, made a mental note of the following:

    1. Title of the passage
    2. Basic theme of the passage
    3. The positions that the passage take or the points that the passage makes 4. Conclusion of the passage.
  • Reading aptitude: 

    Reading Aptitude is different from reading skills. The points and factors discussed up till now, constitute reading skill and are regarding the manner you read. Reading aptitude is what gives an upper edge to a student in the RC section or even otherwise if developed properly. What is Reading Aptitude? By reading aptitude, we mean the approach that you take while reading a passage or reading anything. The mindset with which you read it and what is your motive or expectation from the passage. Simply put, reading aptitude is what you want from reading. If you approach a reading piece only for the purpose of reading it to collect facts to add to your existing store of knowledge or only as a practice to improve your reading speed or merely as an examination exercise you would not receive the same results as you will if you read the passage with a different attitude.

    Consider every piece of written information as a prospective useful draft. Begin with the rule of WIIFM - what's in it for me. Once you have used your wisdom to decide if the passage is worth reading. Approach the passage as a mystery novel. There are hidden clues you must look for. From the beginning stay a careful, clever reader. Remember the first reading itself should give you all you may need to have from a passage.

    If there are facts in the passage, quickly decide, as you read, which of these are important enough to be memorized and memorize them.

    If there is an argument in the passage, keep trail of how the argument proceeds and what are the different evidences offered.

    In such a passage, as you read, involve your mind with the passage and form an opinion about the argument.

    If a passage is about philosophy offering a philosophical perspective as you read, form a short summary of the philosophical theory in simple words.

    If the essay describes a process or an event, then as you read on, form a chain of events in your mind.

    Keeping these points, in mind, will improve your reading and retaining efficiency greatly. What we have to target and achieve is not good reading instead what we must try and attain is effective reading. A good reader may or may not be just as good at comprehension and analysis but an Effective Reader would definitely perform in comprehension and Analysis of data just as well. So, try and be an EFFECTIVE READER.