Reading Comprehension - An Inroduction

3. Comprehension

Comprehension follows reading and simply put-means understanding the passage. But there are different categories of compositions and the time of comprehension for each would principally vary. Nevertheless, there are some basic principles one must keep in mind while attempting to comprehend a passage.

  • To make comprehension easy, follow the paragraph division of the passage.
  • As you read each paragraph, mark the important points stated in the paragraph.
  • When you have read the passage once, decide onto the basic theme of the passage.
  • Quickly Re-read the marked section of each paragraph and form a basic argument skeleton of the passage in your mind.
  • Do not make reading a one-way process; rather treat it as a dialogue.
  • Keep your brain actively involved in reading. Treat the passage as if its writer is talking to you. Make it more like a discussion; respond to what is being said in the passage. In this manner your comprehension level will increase greatly. 
  • If you do not understand a word, do not panic, you can make out the meaning of the word by fitting it into the larger sense of the sentence, similarly, if you don't understand a phrase, try to fit it into the argument of the paragraph to ascertain its meaning.
  • In case the subject of the paragraph is completely new to you, you must proceed with more care and cleverness. Approach the passage with confidence and an open mind. Do not get taken aback by field-specific jargon, these big and difficult sounding words would not affect your understanding of the composition much. The different type of passages that one can come across while attempting RC exercise are:


A narrative passage usually tells a story which means a sequence of events. Thus, a narrative passage gives an orderly account of a series of related events or the successive particulars of an event. A narrative passage could be of various kind. (1) Biographies (2) History (3) Fiction (4) Execution of a process. In a narrative passage, the questions asked are chiefly about the main ideas discussed in the narration, some opinions of the narrator or about the general factual information provided through the passage and student must, therefore, concentrate on the main points of the narrative and select them as important.


(a) Expository Passage: An expository passage is the most rigid and restricted form of composition. It is also the most common kind of writing. Exposition means to set forth a subject. So, an exposition composition would mean an orderly setting forth of facts and ideas. Its purpose is to explain its language in clear and direct way. Its appeal is to the intellect. What you would mostly come across in an exposition essay will be definition, comparisons and contradictions. Exposition is defined in the dictionary as Explanation. Thus a student can expect a straight statement like tone in the passage. These are easier to deal with and can be mastered with practice and relatively less effort.

(b) Argumentative Passage: An argumentative passage includes an argument and an argument is possible only about a subject that invites argument, conflicting opinions. Such an essay admits difference of opinions and, therefore, the purpose of an argumentative essay is to persuade the readers to adopt a certain idea, attitude or course of action and if possible to resolve the conflict implicit in the subject.

(c, d) Analytical and Philosophical passages: A student should follow the same method as    for the expository passage and keep similar factors in mind.

Such types of passages are based on fiction or imaginations of the author.